Buy your tickets before Labour Day and receive the 10% off early bird rate. Expires midnight September 4th

Richard O’Brien’s The Rocky Horror Show is one of the world’s favorite musicals, seen by more than 30 million people in over 30 countries.  It is the show that started it all for TaDa! Events twenty years ago, and to celebrate we invite you to join us and Do The Time Warp Again!  A loving homage to the classic B sci-fi film and horror genres, The Rocky Horror Show has an irresistible rock and roll music score and a darkly hilarious story.  Unbelievably wholesome Brad Majors and his fiancee, Janet Weiss, get a flat tire on a dark and stormy night and seek shelter at the castle of flamboyant Dr. Frank ‘N’ Furter just in time to witness the creation of Frank’s new creature, Rocky.  As the night unfolds, Brad and Janet are lured over to the dark side by Frank and his minions, all in the name of absolute pleasure.  But all is not as it seems………………   The Rocky Horror Show has become a cult classic, inviting audience participation and the celebration of self-expression.  It embraces the unconventional and is guaranteed to be the most fun you’ll have – in or out of fishnets.

The Rocky Horror Show is directed by Terri Andrews, with musical direction by Bill Brennan and choreography by Pamela Pittman.  It stars Dace Green (Eda Kumquat) as Frank ‘N’ Furter, Evan Smith as Brad, Rebecca Sellars as Janet, Sabrina Roberts as Magenta, Taylor Aucoin as Riff Raff, Tanya Lasby as Columbia, Jeff Simms as Rocky, John Andrews as Eddie, Bruce Brenton as Dr. Scott, Wayne Pardy as the Narrator, Kristina Bernardo as the Usherette, and features Andrew Hart, Mal Parrot (Madame Daddy), Jordan Hollahan, Nicole Pelley (Mia Moore), Nick Mandville, Thomas Ozon, Melissa Power, Roger Samson, Cody Siliker, Garrett Wells, Cora Cameron, Kelin Boyd, Jarod Farrell, Hilary Walsh and Adrien Doucet on the stage and a host of party-loving Transylvanians in the aisles.

Start Date

Oct 06, 2023 - 20:00

End Date

Oct 08, 2023 - 22:00

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